Christophe Mathieu




Marset, 2019

With the purpose of being able to compose, separate, or join environments through light, emerges this new collection of large dimensions but little volume of floor lamps.    

A metallic structure tightens and gives shape to the fabric that surrounds it, transferring its aesthetic character. The sphere inside is the light source, although it is only perceived when turned on. This new lamp originally designed for outdoors –although there is also its indoor version– uses a moldable but non-deformable textile material. Light is filtered, transformed, and acquires a new function through it, which is defining space. The indirect lighting accommodates and slightly intervenes, becoming part of the place.

LaFlaca is offered in three sizes of different geometric shapes: a vertical rectangle, a horizontal rectangle, and a square. The combination of these light sheets allows surprising textile architectural creations, not only for their beauty but also for the contrast between their large measurements and their almost flat volume. Hence its name.
